"                " [sic] Goldie
"ABJECTOR" [sic]
h.m.o/r 2
(Hibari Music, w.m.o/r, h.m.o/r 02) (Tokyo, Berlin) (2-CD set)
Download: 1, 2 (flac format)

Disc 1: White Peristaltic Interrogations [sic]

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Disc 2: Devocalised Fluchtverdächtiger / Blocksperre Refluxur [sic]

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" " [sic] Tim Goldie: drums (disc 1), voice (disc 1, 2), credit card (disc 1, 2), bird whistle (disc 1), snare drums (disc 2), guitar amplifiers/leads (disc 2)

Recorded by " " [sic] Tim Goldie with two AKG 414 BULS direct to Tascam DAP1 DAT
No overdubs or effects
Mastered by Taku Unami

Released in October 2007


Tochnit Aleph (Berlin)

Recommended first solo-release by the great 'percussionist', trouble-maker, Deflag Haemorrhage / Haien Kontra member from London. Double CD of live & direct miniatures for Drums, Voice, Credit Card, Bird Whistle, and Guitar Amplifier/Leads. WHAT A LUXURY!

Netmage Festival (Italy 2009)

"                "[sic] Goldie is one of the most original noise musician/performers on the European scene. His double album "ABJECTOR"[sic] is a violent and considered examination of the fragmentation of language, the de-composition of instrumental research and the painful suffering that accompanies it. Far from any current or cultural influence, Goldie's work places itself in a unique conceptual universe, and its cruel voice warbles a mix of agony and ecstasy. 

Metamkine (France)

Voix, batterie, ampli guitare, câbles. Enregistré avec le volume au maximum de l'entrée du DAT, saturations continues, le cri excite la batterie, la voix joue de la caisse claire et le feedback fait des siennes Une véritable déflagration, comme une version ultra-punk de 'Music for solo performer' d'Alvin Lucier. Coproduction w.m.o/r et Hibari music.


""ABJECTOR"[sic]....... The skeleton and centre of this record for me is Tim Goldie's virtuoso percussion. Different angles sharpened and cut into with rhythm and swarms of sound, beat down through his drums, a constant pressure or
tension maintained in the lengthy build up of songs, an expectation and wait for a sudden fall or explosion, as primal or as physical as i've heard any drummer play. Over two discs Tim creates an atmosphere of his own, forms the
basis of his own language, sucks you wholly into his world. The small echoes or sparks of dark sound coming off cymbals, distorted screams, a peel of words through a snare drum, and silence. "

NoiseBlog (USA)

Mattin [website] sent me a couple of his most recent releases, including “Abjector“, a double release by [sic] Tim Goldie [mySpace without music, mySpace with music]. Both discs contain some 70 minutes of material, cut up in chunks of 2 minutes, so you get 30+ tracks on both discs, though in both cases it’s actually just one long track. Feel free to play this disc in random mode.
On Disc 1 you’ll find a track called “White Peristaltic Interrogations” recorded using “drums, voice, credit card and bird whistle” - It’s quite varied, starting of calmly with an etheric cymbal-piece, and then spanning the whole spectrum between “drums falling down the stairs in a controlled manner” over “duct tape on skin harshnoise” to “abstract hardcore jazz with heavy screams on uppers (*)” - the latter are a bit hard to digest, but the avantgard-minded among us will certainly dig it - I’m more for the harshnoise parts and tumbling drums (that by moments come pretty close to abstract percussion à la old school Z’ev), just to say that probably everyone will find something in the record that he or she will like (unless you’ve never ventured past the pop-department of your local record-shop, but in that case you wouldn’t be reading these pages anyhow - a fucked-up taste is a prequisite). Disc 2, “Devocalised Fluchtverdächtiger/Blocksperre Refluxur” is a bit of a surprise after Disc 1 (or not) - On this one Tim Goldie drops the bird whistle (bird died while recording Disc 1, or whistle got lost or swallowed), uses only snare drums (rest of the drum is in debris after the recording of Disc 1) and as an additional instrument uses a guitar amplifier and leads. The credit card is still mentioned in the listing, and probably playing an even bigger role in the whole track, as “Devocalised Fluchtverdächtiger/Blocksperre Refluxur” is pretty raw and fucked-up (and therefore totally “up my alley“) - I don’t really hear snare drums in the track, but there’s a lot of cable- and amp-noise on this one and [sic] Tim Goldie screaming the guts out of his body, reminding me of that classic 7″ of a certain japanese act starting with a “G” and ending on “e” - other parts, especially the “fuck”-ones, remind me more of a power-electronics act with failing electronica. Lots of silences in this track, sometimes lasting several minutes - The liner-notes (in mirrored writing) mention that the material is recorded directly to DAT using two mikes (without overdubs, nor effects) so I guess this means [sic] Tom Goldie put the integral recording on disc, straight from DAT as it was recorded that day including the parts that he was doing creditcard or just trying to get his stuff together cause this was clearly a heavy studio-experience. Putting the integral recording on disc makes this record a truely straight-forward, no-nonsense release. Recommended! You can order this release at Hibarimusic [website] in Japan (for 2000 yen it’s yours). Here’s what another reviewer (Bagatellen) says about the record (in case you need a second opinion before deciding).


(*) that would explain the occurence of a credit card in the list with used instruments


"No instrument conveys as broad a range of emotions - love, tenderness, pain, longing - than the human voice. Towards the periphery of the vocal spectrum, however, where words turn to howls, gibbers and wails, emotional certainties dissolve, and the extremes of human experience flow together: the old pleasure pain dichotomy, right there in the distressed whimper of a vocal chord.  "          " [sic] Tim Goldie has been on the radar a little while, chiefly through his membership of Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra, an outfit with Basque sound wanker Mattin.  His debut album "Abjector" [sic] is one of the most flat out original noise albums I have heard in some time: a punishing, determindly outre, excursion into drum improv, digital noise and extreme vocal gymnastics.  The first cd recalls the acoustic investigations of Alvin Lucier, extended periods of improvised drumming, credit cards and scraped snare, investigation of the properties of an instrument as crucial as technical skill.  The second CD - the heavily titled "Devocalised Fluchtverdachtiger/Blocksperre Refluxur"[sic] brings vocals into the equation: shrieked and wailed, hoarse with emotion, often distorted with crackling static, or by lips pressed against the skin of a snare.  The language itself, though, is fractured and mangled, meanings dissolved or hiding latent; a musical counterpart, perhaps, to the aggressive datafeed spew of Kenji Siratori's postmodern novel 'Blood Electric'.

By Louise Patterson
Plan B magazine, issue 30 Feb 2008

Bad Alchemy # 57 Feb. 2008 (Deutschland)

Bagatellen (USA)


Abjector [sic] ([sic] Tim Goldie)
w.m.o/r – hibari
h.mo/r 02

A lot of brackets and “sics” here, but essentially this is two lengthy discs of solo percussion and noise by Goldie. The first, “White Peristaltic Interrogations”, is largely percussive and the more successful of the two. The general tone is dark, groaning and chaotic and one has the impression of a musician throwing himself in among his tools. In fact, I was reminded of Z’ev more than once. The second disc is in more of a screaming noise mode and less interesting to me because of that. Both clock in at over 70 minutes and are arbitrarily divided in dozens of two minute tracks. While the first disc varies attacks pretty well, they both linger too long to hold my attention (! Did I say, “Attention?”). It’s a good effort though and Disc 2 (bearing a title that trips off of one’s tongue: “Devocalised Fluchverdächtiger/Blocksperre Refluxur [sic]”) will doubtless provide a goodly amount of enjoyment for the more No Fun oriented listener.

Posted by Brian Olewnick on November 14, 2007 5:57 PM

Monochrome Vision (Russia)    

Тим Голди - музыкант-перкуссионист, это его дебютный альбом, состоящий из двух дисков. Первый имеет подзаголовок ”White Peristaltic Interrogations”, звучит довольно хаотично и мрачно - такое ощущение, что музыкант пытается выбраться из огромной кучи металлического мусора. В целом, музыка очень напоминает альбомы Z`EV, если бы не второй диск под названием ”Devocalised Fluchverdachtiger/Blocksperre Refluxur [sic]”, который составлен из чисто шумовых композиций, довольно резких и громких. Оба CD заполнены под завязку - так что 150 минут удовольствия для тех, кому нравится, к примеру, продукция лэйбла No Fun Productions, будет обеспечено. Альбом выпущен совместно с лэйблом Маттина W.M.O.R.

" "[sic] Tim Goldie - "Abjector"[sic]

[sic] Tim Goldie - Abjector [sic], Hibari, audio-art, noise, experimental, free form, White Peristaltic Interrogations, Devocalised Fluchtverdachtiger/Blocksperre Refluxur, electronic dance, remix, house, techno, beats, electro, Jaurelio, Wicked Style, wickedstyle italiano, Aurelio Cianciotta, TimGoldie_Abjector.jpg2CD - Hibari
Harsh digital sounds intertwine with improvisations structured as a percussive matrix. With audio-abuse, distortions and an extreme use of the human voice, Tim Goldie severely tests both the taste and analytical skills of those less accustomed to radical electronic and experimental music. The double release album ‘Abjector’ establishes the noisy nature of its project early on. The first CD, ‘White Peristaltic Interrogations’ consists of bursts of pure, striking energy, diluted only by occasional free-form flow and silence. The work generates auditive elements that appear to shun any method, while maintaining an overall sense of being self-organized. The second part of the record reveals no diminution of style – it too provokes a genuine insurrection of the senses. 'Devocalised Fluchtverdachtiger / Blocksperre Refluxur' brings an abundance of excesses, including hisses and strident frequencies, a hyperbolic industrial mix and mechanical digressions in sound. The approval-rating of this record will be controversial but it sports undoubted strength and stylistic charm.
Aurelio Cianciotta

#18 (Deutschland, by Magnus Schaefer)