S-S RECORDS by Scott Soriano
Don’t tell the INS, but Billy Bao is here. These internationalists
destroy all boarders with the grinding bludgeon of pummeling sound. Two
lonnnnnnggggg songs churn relentless riffs into wretched pounding and
go back. Sub-metal, dirt dirge primitivism that attacks the shit nation
state. For one from Billy Bao’s last one check out “Bilbo’s
Incinerator” Embrace the degeneration of rock & roll! Fans of
Brainbombs, Stickmen with Rayguns, Pissed Jeans, Drunk with Guns, etc.
take note. White vinyl. Screened sleeves.
KDVS Radio, California by DJ RICK
It’s hard to think of “Bilbo’s Incinerator” as a catchy song until you hear this 10″. This is the even more deranged and ugly side of Billy Bao. Surely this record is the most severe ass-kicking you will receive this year.
Nuevo álbum en vinilo de 10″ (primero de los tres grabados por el combo bilbaíno durante este último verano!) de la infame banda BILLY BAO, en esta ocasión de la mano del sello norteamericano S-S records. “Fuck Separation” es probablemente el mejor trabajo hasta la fecha de la banda liderada por el nigeriano-bilbaino. Un trabajo tan conceptual como visceral que mediante un crossfade gigante llena de esputos de rock bastardo y pesado nuestros oídos.
BILLY BAO talde zitalaren 10″-ko binilozko diska berria (pasa den
udan grabatu duten hiruetatik lehena!) argitaratu du S-S records
disketxe iparramerikarrak. seguruaski “Fuck Separation” da nigeriako
bilbotarrak gidatzen duen taldearen gaur arteko diska hoberena.
Kontzeptuala bezain bizia den lana, crossfade ikaragarri baten bidez
gure belarriak rock sasikume eta pisutsuz betetzen dituena.
GURE HITZAK por Jon Imbernon
el ultimo ep de BILLY BAO me ha dejado muy pillado la verdad … no me
esperaba algo asi, han tirado de guitarras super bestias, riffs de
guitarra casi monoliticos, en 2 temas hiper machacones de noise-rock
super bestia incluso con toque sludge… pero aki esta la gracia (y la
parte experimental tambien) ambas canciones se cruzan en la mitad de
cada una. me explico, cada cancion empieza en una cara y acaba en la
otra, en la mitad de cada una hay un cross fade que pasa a la cancion
que empieza en la otra cara, aparte decir que durante el trance se crea
aun mas sensacion de caos y ruidera aun si cabe..
me ha parecido la puta polla vamos…
Mais non, c’est pas un carré blanc ! C’est le nouveau 25 cm
BAO chez S-S Records. D’ailleurs super packaging. Ca se voit pas
mais le blanc est incrusté d’une carte du monde et du nom “Billy
en énorme à l’arrière, classe au touché.
Faut pencher le disque pour le
Sinon, autant prévenir tout de suite, ce machin c’est deux
enfin non… juste un seul coupé en deux à la barbare au
milieu. 10
minutes pile poil sur chaque face (je sais pas si c’est de l’intox ou
pas, y a marqué 10:00, ça sent la frime).
Donc, évidemment c’est un peu un ovni. On dirait NIRVANA qui
joue du
FAUST à fond les manettes. Durant 20 minutes y a un seul riff
avec deux
moments de flottement qui change le ryhtme d’une manière un peu
A la fin j’avais l’impression qu’il avait mis deux fois le titre en
décalé l’un sur l’autre!
Le mec gueule comme un taré, mais c’est mixé dans le
bordel ambiant.
Vraiment pas évident d’avoir un avis correct sur ce genre de
C’est bien mais c’est chiant. C’est chiant mais c’est quand même
Dommage que ce soit bien parceque c’est chiant. Jamais vu un truc aussi
chiant, mais qu’est-ce que c’est bien, etc, etc, etc…
Et je dis : on dirait VENOM qui joue du NEU ?? Ca passe mieux ?
WFMU best 10 records of the year por Acapulco Rodriguez
Consumer Electronics: Nobody’s Ugly, No Fun LP
Broom Dusters: Sound From The Bottom Of The Tokyo Underground, Siwa LP
M.B.: Symphony For A Genocide, Hospital / w.m.o CD
Mattress: In the Pocket, Malt Duck 7″
Peter Brotzmann & Sonny Sharrock: Fragments, Okka Disk LP
Angelblood: Mambo Mange, Locust LP
Billy Bao: Fuck Separation, S-S 10″
Blank Dogs: The First Four Weeks, Freedom School 12″
Eat Skull: Eat Skull, Meds 7″
So Cow: Moon Geun Young, Myoclonic / Almost Ready 7″
20 BEST EPs of the year 2007
Billy Bao “Fuck Separation” 10″ (S-S)
Blank Dogs “Yellow Mice Sleep” 7″ (HoZac)
Blank Dogs “The Doorbell Fire” 7″ (Sweet Rot)
Daily Void “Mass Communication Culture” 7″ (Boom Chick)
Eat Skull “Seeing Things” 7″ (Meds)
Electric Bunnies “Eskimo” 7″ (Florida’s Dying)
El Jesus de Magico “Funeral Home Sessions” 7″ (Columbus Discount)
Factums “See Inside” 7″ (Polly Maggoo)
Hank IV “Dirty Poncho” 7″ (Plastic Idol)
Human Eye “Spiders & Their Kin” 7″ (Cass)
ICK “La Parade des Sans Illusions” 7″ (Enfant Terrible)
Dan Melchior und das Menace “The Pink Scream” 12″ (Shake Appeal)
Mutators “Paper Words” 7″ (The Broadway to Boundary)
Nothing People “In the City” 7″ (S-S)
QEK Junior “Wohnanhängar” 7″ (Kernkrach)
Slicing Grandpa “Chaos Midnight” 10″ (Strain Theory/Scatalogical
Liberation Front)
So Cow “Moon Geun Young” 7″ (Almost Ready)
Talbot Tagora “Cat Face” 7″ (self-released)
Thomas Function “Relentless Machines” 7″ (Tic Tac Totally)
Tyvek “Summer Burns” 2×7″ (What’s Your Rupture?)
Rotten attitudes birth a primal, infectious hardcore sludge document
on Billy Bao’s new 10”. While not necessarily groundbreaking in light
of the dearth of fantastic Drunks with Guns-inspired newcomers, Billy
Bao perform with such conviction and intensity it affects the
listener’s attitude. Unlike those bands, Billy Bao aligns itself more
with anarcho punk than noise or black metal. Then again, pinpointing
the band in a genre seems counterproductive. Named after their lead
singer, they exemplify the current hardcore atmosphere with primal
rage, slow riffs and wild feedback solos. Their songs linger naturally
and resolve themselves appropriately, encompassing various styles into
their structures. Comprised of two side-long tracks, the album pummels
listeners with monolithic riffs and smart, angry verse. Both songs melt
down fantastically, as their violent riffs burst at the fringes into
feedback and drones while free jazz drums Lyrics separate the band from
their peers. Billy Bao seems more concerned with the current political
climate but they’re smart enough not to directly address it like
dime-a-dozen Profane Existence wannabes. Instead, they describe the
strife birthed from political oppression, both in the punk scene and
the world at large. On “Borders of Mass Deception,” Bao describes the
racist upheaval over secure borders with Mexico, shouting, “Bodies
floating in the sea/Holidays in the beach/Work in your dreams/From A to
B.” His pained vocals sound like a cross between Jake Sayles from Filth
and Mike D. Williams from Eyehategod. “Jail Logic” presents a similar
Sabbath-infested hardcore riff and a virtual call to arms for the band.
Bao yells, “Punk has its rules, its reliable methods for producing
satisfactory products/But the reality that must be taken as a point of
departure is the one of dissatisfaction/It’s necessary to destroy the
conventions of punk.” The band sounds like its playing two songs as
percussion double tracks and cacophony underlines the main riff. If one
chooses to focus on the extraneous elements of the song and ignore the
familiar riff, it may sound like a trainwreck. When taken as a whole,
the song sounds like the birth of a new, exciting turn for hardcore.
DUSTED MAGAZINE (New York) by Doug Mosurock
Third-world punk discoveries never cease, it seems – Billy Bao was
grafted from the oppressive climate of Lagos to the streets of Spain,
and aided in being given a wider voice by blacktop noise guitarist
Mattin. Wildfire ensued, and yet it’s been years since the debut single
(reviewed in the very first edition of this column, no less), and the
subsequent minimal CD EP had scratched a militant crease into the minds
of a newly enlightened punk rock audience. There’s an LP looming on
Parts Unknown, but first up comes this two-song 10”, and it’s thicker
and meatier and a whole lot less esoteric than previous offerings, two
cross-faded 10 minute barrages of dirt-track muddin’, a wall of force.
That one song ends where the other starts, and vice versa, is handled
as hamfistedly as the chords slammed out to infinity, but somehow it
stays in the groove, even as the rhythms drift off into another; it
works as a compositional conceit, almost despite itself. Brutal,
bludgeoning blows to the head and chest from the heart of the
underserved. Essential listening from and for an angry, fed-up world.
Edition of 600, white vinyl, white-on-white silkscreened sleeve.
Top Singles of 2007
1. Navid Tahernia ‘Speicher 56′ 12″
2. Brainbombs ‘Stinking Memory’ 7″
3. Mr. Oizo ‘Transexual’ 12″
* 4. Billy Bao ‘Fuck Separation’ 10″
5. Uffie ‘First Love’ 12″
6. Vampire Weekend ‘A-Punk’ 7″
7. Pink Reason ‘By a Thread’ 7″
8. Tyvek ‘Still Sleep’ 7″
9. Los Llamarada ‘The Very Next Moment’ 7″
10. The Rebel ‘Tarscoffsky’s the Snackrifice EP’ 12″
11. Waste Management ‘Get Your Mind Right’ 7″
12. Second Sex ’s/t’ 7″
13. Vicious ‘Igen’ 7″
14. Farah ‘Law of Life’ 12″
15. The Secret Society of the Sonic Six ‘Isolated Incidents’ 12″
16. Blank Dogs ‘Yellow Mice Sleep’ 7″
17. Birth Refusal ‘Cove Core’ 7″ & CD
18. Tyvek ‘Summer Burns’ 2×7″
19. Danava ‘Where Beauty and Terror Dance’ 7″
20. Sex Vid ‘Tania’ 7″
Foxy Digitalis (USA)
From the stark design (white-on-white silkscreened cover, white vinyl, minimal text sheet) to the bold title and the music itself, this release signifies heaviness and radicality; no superfluous ornaments here. The music starts all of sudden, it’s there, without an introduction or a fade-in: voice (Billy Bao), two guitars (Xabier Erkizia and Mattin) and drums (Alberto Lopez), in a bare, full-force rock mode, simple, repetitive, the screamed vocals barely discernible. Two or three chords are enough, and rather than changes there are accentuations, controlled burst of feedback or slight rhythmic variations, which further adds to the monolithic quality of the music. The flipside continues in this vein, yet even more intense, as it introduces a notion of latent chaos, never breaking loose, but always present in the wall of grinding guitar cum percussion noise that towers behind Bao’s vocal frenzy.
At closer inspection there is, however, more to this 10” than raw vitalism. Indeed, there is an elaborate formal and conceptual base underpinning these two tracks. As the text sheet reveals, both are exactly 10 minutes long. This correspondence is matched by the lyrics: they not only intermingle visually, as the text sheet’s layout arranges them in the form of a ‘X’, but they also refer to the two sides of the record and while “Borders of Mass Deception” (A-side) ends with the lines “From A to B, to be their shit”, “Jail Logic” (B-side) ends with “From B to A, I will split your brain” – reflexive strategies that are derived from modernist and conceptual art and add an unexpected complementary ‘layer’ to the force of the music.
‘Radicality’ and ‘pure’ heaviness might seem to have worn out as musical concepts but this work – as in fact quite a few others with Mattin’s involvement – suggest that this assumption has yet to be fully verified. Nevertheless these two times ten minutes of conceptualist noise rock ultimately leave me with ambivalent thoughts. Apparently, Billy Bao aim at a re-actualization of punk as a platform for radical music and thought. “Jail Logic” is explicit about that:
“Punk has its rules, it’s reliable methods for producing satisfactory products. But the reality that must be taken as a point of departure is the one of dissatisfaction. It’s necessary to destroy conventions in punk.”
Viewed in this light, “Fuck Separation” as a whole may be read as both a formulation of this claim and a way to realize it. After all, Billy Bao leave no doubt about both sides, of the record as well as of their statement, being interrelated.
Yet, as much as I’m impressed by the music’s power, as much as I
value the conceptual base and as much as I respect this release as a
political statement, I remain skeptic if – today – radicality can be
expressed and attained through direct appellation or would rather
demand more ambivalent strategies to allow a flexible position and
circumvent getting lost in the void of agitation or entertainment. 8/10
— Magnus Schaefer (5 February, 2008)
Afterburn Records
Dec 2007 /Jan 2008
1. Billy Bao - Fuck Separation 10″ (s-s records)
2. Death - Keep on Knockin’ 7″ track (Detroit ‘76)
3. John Michael Green - Still The Innocent LP (Canada 70’s)
4. XTC -Respectable Street track (from ‘Black Sea’)
5. Claw Hammer - Ramwhale LP
(so good to be knocked out by it again after all these years)
6. Steel Pulse - Sound System track (1979)
7. The Boys -’Kamikaze’ track (from the 1979 alb ‘To Hell with…’)
8. Jethro Tull - Storm Watch LP (i swear i don’t have a thing for 1979 !)
9. Joanna Newsom - Y’s CD (still not done with it yet)
10. Peter Searcy - Couch Songs CD
(ex: Squirrel Bait frontman from a few years back)
11. The Iceman -Book (oh boy, what a read that is !)
12. C.A. Quintet -Trip Thru Hell CD (every home needs one)
ROCKDELUX (Barcelona, por Esteve Farrés)
Un 10¨ blanco de los bilbaínos Billy Bao en el sello S-S
de Sacramento,
California. El rock mutante y ruidoso de su debut, donde todos los
extremos se tocan, del noise al thrash metal, atraviesa el charco a la
conquista de América con ¨Borders Of Mass Deception¨ y
¨Jail Logic¨,
cuyas letras se cruzan en la X de Malcolm.
(Euskal Herria, por Pablo Cabeza)
El trío de rock extremo Billy Bao presenta tres nuevos vinilos
En 2003, Mattin y Alberto López, dos músicos experimentados, deciden torpedear sus carreras con un proyecto donde lo imprevisible sea lo más razonable. Cuatro años después siguen sanos y vivos, demostrando que el caos también le sienta bien al cuerpo y al universo.

Billy Bao es una de las formaciones más extremas de la actual escena rock. Se presentaron -tal y como llega y es una inesperada tormenta de verano- con un single (vinilo) titulado «Bilbo's incinerator», de sucio sonido y escasas posibilidades de popularidad. Pero este punto ya se lo sabían, así que, sin demasiadas decepciones, aunque alguna hubo, siguieron su camino ruidista, imperfecto, dramático y envolvente. «En enero de 2004 grabamos -señala Mattin- `Bilbo's Incinerator' con Mikel Biffs en su estudio Chocabloc. Un single que no lo quiso sacar ni Dios. El caso es que un año más tarde saqué trescientas copias del single en mi sello w.m.o/r, y en estos momentos se ha convertido en un objeto de culto sobre todo en USA, donde en Ebay se pagan más de cincuenta dólares por él».
Billy Bao se puede escuchar -incluso bailar- de muchas maneras: de espaldas, durmiendo, a la pata coja, flipados, atentos, perdidos en el cosmos, debajo del agua, sin prisa, con tila, absortos... Sus dimensiones (su ambición) no tienen fronteras ni modos ni formas, cabe todo y todo desde cualquier lugar de la tierra. Llevan flores sicodélicas en la cabeza, el desierto africano en los pies y la vanguardia (o lo que sea la palabreja) en cada minuto u hora de canción.
De esta forma, sin medida forma ni color Mattin, Xabi Erkizia (músico de Bera, ex Gutariko Bat) y Alberto López (ex La Secta, ex Atom Rhumba...) presentan este sábado tres discos (vinilos) simultáneamente: «Fuck separation», 10 pulgadas publicado por el sello estadounidense S-S Records, de Sacramento. 600 discos serigrafiados a mano por Scott Soriano, del propio sello. «Dialectic of shit», elepé editado por Parts Unknow, de Nueva Jersey, y «Accumulation», single lanzado por los londinenses Xerox. La locura también es lúcida, Billy Bao lo demuestran.
Yellow Green Red (April 23rd, 2019 Philadelphia)
Billy Bao Fuck Separation 10″ (S-S, 2007)
Billy Bao is probably the most contemporary Discogs Cheapo entry thus far – this record comes from 2007, and although the Billy Bao alias seems to be retired at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if some new triple-LP gatefold came out next week. As far as I’m concerned, this plain-looking 10″ on the S-S label is Mr. Bao’s musical peak – two absolutely shredding cuts of bloodstained noise-punk. I feel like the contemporary hardcore-punk scene has fully realized how great The Leather Nun’s “No Rule” is at this point, and I’d say these two tracks are about as close as a modern group has come to emulating that same sense of combustible, no-brakes menace, like Motörhead riding a bridge to hell in search of revenge. As with all Billy Bao records, I am sure there is some philosophical concept to this one (each side features a single track of exactly ten minutes length), but as far as my ears can tell, the only concept at play here is to demolish every other monotonously-chugging punk band in their wake.
Piero Scaroffi
Billy Bao's EP Fuck Separation (2007) contains just two lengthy pieces: the relentless metal-voodoo dance Borders Of Mass Deception and its continuation Jail Logic, that simply introduces a bit more chaos until dissolving in the end. The single Accumulation (2007) contains ten gro
L’EP dei Billy Bao Fuck Separation (2007) contiene solo due lunghe tracce: l’implacabile danza metal-voodoo Borders Of Mass Deception e la sua continuazione Jail Logic, che introduce semplicemente un po’ più di caos, fino a dissolversi nel finale