regel #1 (dbeat)
regel #2 (dub)

"Welcome to the ground zero of music. Regler is the new, unbelievable
project from Mattin (Billy Bao, Josetxo Grieta) and Anders "Drajan"
Bryngelsson (Brainbombs, No Balls). Dancing on the ashes of a whole
cultural breakdown, they bring us to a non returning point, where the
dead body of rock first explodes, then implodes upon itself. There is no
joke, people: this is the punkest record ever made! Mastered by Rashad
Becker. ."
Label info.
LP published in February 2014 by 8MM (Porto) in an edition of 200 copies
Radio plays:
still-single (New York, 26 October 2015)
Wall of d-beat/opaque single riff marathon
courtesy of
Mattin and drummer Drajan (Brainbombs). Apart from the sibilance of some
cymbals struck throughout, this is a solid brutalist block of structured
interference designed to confuse, built to make you hear things that
there (detuning and some lower frequencies smear themselves in around
middle of side A), and guaranteed to anger someone in your proximity.
Put this
one on at a party and watch people walk into walls, and form alliances
in an
effort to get you to turn it the fuck off. A real conversation starter
once it’s
over, this is precisely what the most overused tactic in the annals of
punk needed – a record that would take its basic parts and cancel them
out, a
starting over point for the bored and unchallenged. However dense it is,
not mechanical or stiff; these are rhythms of aggression, perhaps sexual
release, that need to come out one way or another, and they don’t
stay static or unbent. Flip it over for nothing but incidental sounds of
the studio:
amp hum, stick drops, breathing, humans settling to rest; after negating
d-beat, Regler then negates itself. A formula for kinetic
energy is positioned against another for potential energy; a concept
Can’t say that the record sleeve didn’t warn you, with
indicating the presence of power and the effects of its removal. Might
be the
best Mattin recording since the Billy Bao 10”; uncompromisingly realized
perfectly preserved. Edition of 200 copies; 8mm has lost their domain
but you
know where to find this.
(Doug Mosurock)
Ruta 66 (Barcelona, September 2014)

Edition of only 200 copies, from the killing new duo of Mattin
(Billy Bao et al) and Anders ‘Drajan’ Bryngelsson of Brainbombs/No
Balls: it makes sense that Mattin would forge an alliance with
Brainbombs as outside of Billy Bao they have been responsible for some
of the most reprehensibly crude/extreme redux of contemporary rock/roll,
reducing three chord punk plukes to ominous monochord minimalism cut
with dopey sociophathic teen yucks and presenting the most wretched and
degraded form of psych/rock/metal this side of an unholy amalgam of
Parson Sound, AC/DC and Merzbow. Here Mattin pushes the whole deal into
distorted gridlock with two side long pieces, the first of which uses
classic d-beat strategies combined with post-Lou Reed single chord
amplifier worship to produce a thrifty wall of pulsating rock noise,
crossing the dancing hallucinatory microtones of a Maryanne Amacher with
the sludge of primo-Sabbath and the endless ascension style of your
favourite Scandinavian drone/metal commune. Wall destroying. Over on the
flip the duo apply corrosive ‘dub’ strategies to the same, with large
blocks of erased sonics interrupted by occasional accidentals and
signifiers of future rock form - the sound of a snare drum, a stray
guitar harmonic - that proves silence is not only sexy, it’s noisy as
all hell. A massive, brain-erasing set of monomaniacal punk/avant rock
violence from two of the loneliest braincells in strategic underground
raunch. Highly recommended!
Aquarius Records (San Francisco)
couple lists back, we reviewed a Brainbombs related record called
Regler, which was a terrifically and geniusly difficult listen (and
yeah, we still have a few copies left, just ask), consisting of one side
a continuous, blasting D-beat noise jam, the other side near silence, a
high concept sprawl of musique concrete, ostensibly made up of all the
cutting room floor between song silences, but c'mon, why wouldn't you
expect difficult listening from one of the Brainbombs?
REGLER: Brainbombs + No Balls + Billy Bao = furious fuzzed out D-beat minimalism and avant abstract near silent artiness.
What do you get when you cross weirdo Spanish noiseniks Billy Bao
with filthy Swedish garage sludge punks the Brainbombs (and by
extension, weirdo noise rock minimalists No Balls)?? Apparently you get
Regler, a twisted, extremely noisy, high concept, SUPER group, who
deliver some seriously difficult listening. Two distinctly different
stripes of difficult listening, in fact.
A side, as is further evidenced by the graphical representation on the
jacket, is straight up D-Beat blasting, for the entire side. That's
right, furious noise drenched riffing, and frantic, relentless drumming,
locked in a continuous frenzy for the entire A side, the result is by
turns mesmerizing and infuriating. Folks looking for 'songs' or 'music'
(why would you be looking for those on a record like this in the first
place?) will definitely be disappointed, but if you're after some dense,
heavily layered, modern minimalist metal, this might just push those
buttons, cuz really, after a minute or two, it's easy to get lost in
sound, much like the trance inducing properties of black metal, the
sound here is relentless and totally hypnotic, with the sound changing
subtly throughout, the sonic shifts much more dramatic once you're
locked in and listening close, the drumming too, seems to phase weirdly,
producing still more off kilter weirdness. Needless to say, not for
everybody, but for us, we're pretty into it. and that's at 45rpm, slow
it down, and suddenly it's a bit more Brainbombsy, still tranced out and
repetitive, but sludgier and murkier filthier.
flipside might even be more frustrating for most folks, the sort of
thing that might have been right at home on the recent Sounds Of Silence
compilation we made Record of The Week a while back, what we're
assuming, is an edit of all the NON-musical elements in the recording of
the A side, lots of silence, some blurts of drum freakouts, some weird
chordal fadeouts, it's literally like someone grabbed the bits of tape
before and after every take and edited them into a single weird near
silent it of conceptual sound art. Some breathing, little bits of music
here and there, lots of tape buzz and hiss, super weird, but actually
very cool. Headphones are required, and then cranking the volume too
(although the occasional blast of sound, might freak you out), but then
if this wasn't meant to freak you out in the first place, we'd be pretty
yeah, while we endeavor to get sufficient copies of the new Brainbombs
2lp, maybe this will tide you over. But really, it probably won't.
Recommended for anyone into arty noise, modern minimalism, warped metal
experimentation, field recordings, and willful sonic provocateurs of all
stripes. Cool cover art, no download, and LIMITED TO 200 COPIES!!!
Regel #1 (White Side) is an sidelong anarcho-spiritual cacophony.
It is the noise punk analogue to what Sunn0)) is to doom metal: all of
the noise, dissonance and tempo of their respective genres distilled
into a radical, transcendental sonic world of infinite intricacies.
Regel # 2 (Black Side) is the complete antithesis of Regel #1. It is
so close to silence, that it is arguably a 4???33 remix. The are brief
glimmers of drums, guitar and breathing that escape and are subsequently
ensnared into the nothingness with surgical precision. The tension
evoked by the silence makes side 2 a great deep listening experience on
nice sound equipment. However, if I was listening to it in my car I
would probably mistake it for dead air.
Reviewed by thewindow on
May 9, 2014 at 3:49 pm
Li'l Biz (Norman Records)
on Thu 20 Mar, 201
Always got time for 8mm so I slapped this on feeling fairly enthused. Not much going on though.
A-side runs a 45rpm and it’s a side of abstract blastbeats with
scattershot drums and slowly evolving guitars on repeat for as long as
is bearable. I did about ten minutes before realising nothing else was
going to happen. Flip it and the B-side appears to be a side of nothing,
well not quite nothing, if you turn it up loud you can hear some
surface noise and some vague human shufflings. I don’t know what’s going
on and I’m happy to not know.
be worth a look if you dig dbeat grooves and abstract music humour.
Reckon you can increase the inherent value of the record by enjoying it
at both speeds.
The Wire (by Nick Cain, July 2014, London)

Cassette Gods
Pretty intense new LP from Regler, the duo of Mattin (Billy Bao,
Josetxo Grieta) and Anders "Drajan" Bryngelsson (Brainbombs, No Balls)
out now on Portugal's 8MM Records. Mastered by Rashad Becker. This is
pretty assaultive but might be up your alley. Check it out here: Limited to only 200 copies.
Having already reviewed 'Regel #3' by Regler, it's now (belated) time
for 'Regel #1' and 'Regel #2', each spanning an entire side of this LP.
For both pieces the cover shows a flow chart. In 'Regel #1' drums and
guitar go into the schematic, and we find attack, speed and power +
time and the out come is 'dbeat', whereas for the other side there is
just drums and guitar + time resulting in 'dub'. Curious it is. I
assume Regler here is a duo of Mattin on guitar and Anders Bryngelsson
on drums, as there is no other information on this record. 'Regel #1'
is a continuous bang of guitar and drums, trying and failing to keep a
constant time measure. Now I like that very much: it adds a very human
touch to the proceedings. It's very loud; it's very noisy and sadly
under-produced. No doubt captured live in a garage, but imagine this
being well recorded: it would be an immense wall of sound - not unlike
Alien's 'Celebrating Your Victory' or much of Skullflower's output, but
even more minimal in approach. But even in its lo-fi guise, I think
this is a great record of free improvised noise trying to keep time. By
removing 'attack, speed and power' from 'Regel #2' we something that is
very empty. Lots of silence and an occasional bang, lasting about
twenty minutes. It's highly annoying if you are not listening that
closely - that happens sometimes - or if you are fed up with silence
(thanks, Cage), but if you listen closely you may enjoy this silent
approach, the occasional bang on the kit, and someone putting his
finger on the strings. It's a bit too conceptual for me, and I was also
thinking: if we hire Regler for a concert, which approach do we get
served? I'd hope something along the lines of 'Regel #1' or 'Regel #3',
and I sit front row. (FdW)
Yellow Moon Records (Santiago de Chile)
es el nuevo proyecto de Mattin (Billy Bao, Josetxo Grieta) y Anders
"Drajan" Bryngelsson (Brainbombs). El lado uno es exhuberante en noise
rock, disonancias y deconstruccion. La
cara B es totalmente opuesta en intensidad, destacando un notable manejo
de la tension y silencios. Recomendable, tal como toda la discografia
de Mattin que tenemos en stock.