The Wire (272, October 2006)
The key players on this hour-long concert recording are French
saxophonist Jean-Luc Guionnet and Bertrand Denzler, who play soft, long
tones, that gently fluctuate with the player's breath, and they employ
a wide range of percussive attacks. Mattin offers well-judged silences,
low level hums and often brief but frequently violent burst of
distorted sound. To produce his arbitrarily created but
percussive array of rattles, clicks and soft clanks, Taku Unami flips
his speakers onto their backs, places small resonant objects on the
speakers cones and activates the cones with computer generated sounds
that often lie outside the range of human audibility. Between them, the
players make a music that intrigues and engages throughout.
Brian Marley
I spent a good portion of this past weekend, interspersed with
shepherding niece's children around, listening to all those Fargones
and there were several that stood out. Aside from the previously
mentioned "Momeht Ybaxehnr" disc, the one illustrated here from a the
quartet of Mattin (computer), Jean-Luc Guionnet and Bertrand Denzler
(saxophones) and Taku Unami (computer-controlled toys), a live date
engagingly titled, "-/:.", works very well. And Jeph Jerman's
"Lithiary", sourced from shaker-tables filled with rocks, is superb. A
real surprise, with some wonderful tracks, is Eric Alexandrakis'
"Electro-Organic", a kind of rethinking of 80s techno-pop that comes
across as a fine cross between Fennesz and the original Love of Life
Orchestra. Even the pure noise stuff, related to the things I wrote
about in my previous post, had far more nuance (and far less
obnoxiousness) than I'd expected. Glad to have heard it all.
Brian Olewnick

Mattin/Jean-Luc Guionnet/Bertrand Denzler/Taku Unami
An intriguing and wide-ranging live date from a quartet made up of
two computers and two saxophonists. Saying “two computers” is even a
little bit misleading as Unami appears to be using his to send his
collection of small toys scurrying across a tabletop, contributing more
of a delicately percussive sound. The whole set, in fact, tends more
toward the quiet end of things, albeit with the occasional eruption.
Denzler and Guionnet do a fine job of not simply avoiding all
traditional saxophone timbres at all costs but rather interspersing a
variety of attacks as needed at the moment. It’s always interesting to
hear when one ostensibly “definitive” technique (or rejection of same)
over time comes to be seen as merely a step along a path. The
integration with Mattin’s generally soft electronics is seamless and
persuasive. As one of the relative few (I think) who really enjoyed
Unami’s toys at last year’s ErstQuake, I regret not being able to watch
them in action, but their seasoning, when apparent, adds a very nice
touch here. Good, subtle stuff in large part.
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