Quemada is excited to announce the
release of a new material from Regler. Regler is the workings of Mattin (Billy Bao and a thousand other projects and collaborations) on
guitar and Anders Bryngelsson (Brainbombs) on drums. Over the course
of five releases on five different labels, Mattin and Anders had sought to
mimic, distill ,and distort a different musical genre using the barest of
instruments and the slimmest of guiding principles. The game is to reduce the genre to
a simple rule and the follow that rule without change for however long the
release’s medium will allow. The results
are the most maximal and immersive form minimalism we’ve heard in some
So far
the boys have undertaken dub, d-beat, free jazz, noise core, harsh noise wall
and classical music. This new LP on
Quemada tackles techno and drone with the help of Henrik Andersson on bass.
The results for both are as meditative as they are disorienting. Techno (Regel #6) sounds like a recording
made just outside the club played back at top volume in a padded room for an
audience of one as the lights gradually fade in and out. Drone (Regel #7) sounds like a recording the
inside of a florescent light bulb played in a metal shack during an ice storm. Beautiful.
kfjc (California, July 2016)

Regel #6 and #7 are the continuation of Mattin and Anders
Bryngelsson’s Regel project where the concept is to take the essence of a
musical genre by distilling and mimic:ing it into the core meaning of
it’s conceptual music, or the rule of the music style addressed. This
time they attacked techno (on A side) and drone music (on B side.).
Basically you take the intrinsic meaning of the style and follow it’s
guiding principles with the bare minimum parts, as long as possible. It
might sound academic, or even repeat-full boring, but at the same time
it’s a fascinating attempt to create art of art itself into what is the
meaning of it. To some degree, the listener might even get disoriented
due to the repetitions with subtle changes that might be heard at the
third listening. Reviewed by Kai Sync on
July 20, 2016 at 1:40 pm
Still-Single (Chicago, 1st November 2016)
and Drajan return to conquer two new forms on another vinyl release by
Regler, now modded to a trio to include bassist Henrik Andersson to
replicate the bare minimum of what the club must provide. “Regel #6” is
the very definition of four-on-the-floor techno, cavernous percussive
thump, exacting and supple, with some slapback between the thuds,
guitar ticking off as a counter, and the occasional reinforcement of a
tone within the pulsebeat. It goes on and on and on, the form expanded
as far as it can go. Not dissimilar in approach as their debut,
but in result we have another real moment of freedom through as much
structure as the form will hold. “Regel #7” somehow isn’t as successful
– it’s a long, transforming hum, with ride cymbal surges behind it.
What’s wrong here is that all drone is drone; it’s hard to simplify,
and the work done here feels like more, well, work than most drone
appears fully capable of. Which is to say, you can find a lot of drone
records that this one can’t speak for, wherein the project’s
percussion-driven examples (techno, blastbeat) find the omega form for
those musics and run them through their course. As the labels of the
record state, “find a beat and follow it” and “find a tone and follow
it,” though that logic is only halfway there, since beats are far less
arbitrary than tones, unless it’s the tone made by switching on one’s
instruments and doing nothing. Since we can’t really confirm that,
it’ll get the yellow flag for now, but since their first LP was
basically a one-sided affair too, this’ll pass. (http://quemadarecords.blogspot.com)
(Doug Mosurock)
Yellow Green Red (June 2016)
here’s the catch: Regler is Mattin (Mr. Billy Bao himself) and Anders
Brynhelsson (he of Brainbombs) attempting to “distort different musical
genres” one track at a time. If upon reading that you’re bracing
yourself like you’re about to be punched, your instincts are correct, as
this is Mattin at his most vinyl-wasteful, once again pushing
high-concept music into new levels of pointless boredom. “Regel #6
(Techno)” is as emotive and dense as most run-out grooves, offering
little beyond a 4/4 kick and an extremely subtle hi-hat clicking along
(or vague approximation thereof). “Regel #7 (Drone)”, however, is a
surprising edit of circus sound-effects, rifle explosions and Dan Rather
news briefs. Just kidding! It’s one big long boring hum. I am glad that
Mattin exists and has been making music in so many thoughtful and
strange ways over the years, but this project reads like the aural
equivalent of a couple dudes setting up a bunch of mirrors and then
jerking off in front of them, so enamored and impressed by the various
angles of their own bodies as they go at it. Except actually that sounds
a lot more interesting than the music Regler provides here, and I’m
pretty sure The Gerogerigegege have already done that anyway.